Wednesday, July 28

Our Pretty Birds Are Leaving the Nest!

Ramona's tiny sample tote

My baby birds are taking flight with their first project! Now that all ten women are seam-fluent and comfortable with the machines, we are taking a couple of days to have a simple totebag workshop. The women are using the skills they have learned so far: sewing seams, hemming, measuring, cutting, backstitching and staystitching on a project that is easy and manageable. They're also getting used to making and sewing handles and pockets.

Mechi, Natali and Marilin cutting fabric for their first project

These women are already showing creativity and ingenuity. Ramona's bag, pictured above, was made from a single strip of cloth, which she felt was easier to sew than the two separate panels I had had them cut in preparation for the project (she was right.)

The women are having a blast with their first projects, and it's clear that the more they acomplish in the workshop, the stronger they feel about ensuring that their project and their business is successful. The intense excitement around here is mounting by the day, if not by the minute!

Yesel making jokes and teasing Jose during the workshop. :)

Mechi's tote, the first one finished today. She gave it to Morgan as a gift.

La Pastora, one of Nest's facilitators, stopped by to check on the project just as Ramona was finishing up her tiny bag.