Lately, the sewing studio has been transformed into a full fiesta. Bits of colored thread are scattered like confetti all over the studio floor and down the steps leading to the street. The hum of sewing machines topped with bachata blaring from the bodega across the street and the women's laughter would convince passersby that we're doing anything but learning a new skill.
Marilina's baby daughter, Dariely.
But then there is the evidence of perfectly cut fabric pinned and waiting in piles to be sewn together into bags. When we see Nest's clients outside of the studio, each woman is always carrying the first bag she made for our class. Proof of the women's newfound skill is also apparent on each face. Not only can we see material evidence of their progress in the products that they are sewing, but we have also noticed a heightened sense of confidence in each woman.
We're entering the last two weeks of the program and are starting to see the cooperative take shape. The image of the women working independently to make their first products is so rewarding for everyone involved in this project. We have so much cause for celebration (not to mention that Jose's birthday is coming up), and so this weekend, the women proposed that we all take an outing to the beach at La Romana, a resort town about 25 kilometers from the Batey.
The women came together early in the morning to cook rice and meat for the celebration. Jose and I arrived with the drinks and ice, and then we loaded up the kids and all headed to the beach. Our day out gave us the chance to relax outside the classroom with the women that we've grown to love and respect so much, and was one of the most memorable days of our time here.